Skin Care 101: 9 Common Myths about Skincare

Skin Care 101: 9 Common Myths about Skincare
Photo by Jocelyn Morales / Unsplash

Information about treating and helping your skin improve is all over the internet and you best believe that some of the information contain myths and can do harm to your skin. This article will debunk common skincare myths and help you on your skincare journey.

Let's Begin!

  1. Oily skin does not need moisturizer.
    Skin is skin and it can get dehydrated, if you don't put moisturizer on your skin, your skin will do its job to hydrate your skin, thus leading to more oil being produced.

  2. Using hot water is good for your skin.
    This is not necessarily true. Although washing your face with hot water can remove dirt and impurities, it will dry your skin in the end.

  3. Toothpaste is an excellent solution to pimples/zits.
    Some ingredients can help against pimples/zits for OTC toothpaste, but there are much more ingredients that can harm your skin so don't use it in general.

  4. Wearing too much makeup will cause acne and make you age quick.
    This is not necessarily true. It all depends on the ingredients of the makeup and your actions. If you are properly cleaning your face and removing all the makeup at the end of the day, you should have no problem with damaging your skin.

  5. Expensive products are more effective than cheaper products.
    This is not necessarily true. It all comes down to the ingredients and what your skin needs. you can get a cheaper product and they will still get the job done.

  6. You don't have to wear sunscreen indoors.
    Let's face it, everyone is guilty of this, even me. You should always wear your sunscreen no matter the location or season. You can still get UV rays from your windows which will still harm your skin.

  7. Pores can be open and closed.
    We all know that steaming your face can loosen your pores for an effective cleaning but it doesn't open or close your pores. The same things goes for using cold or hot water.

  8. The higher the SPF the better.
    This means the times it takes you to reapply the sunscreen.

  9. It would be best if you did not use anti-aging or treatment until you need to.
    You can use these types of products to start preventing aging instead when you show signs of aging.